Upgrade Your Marketing Measurement

Upgrade Your Marketing Measurement

Attribution Playbook for Marketing Teams​ Get the eBook written by CvE Digital Marketing experts​ A guide to Attribution for Marketers: what the various models are available, what’s changing about them, and how to best use them in the future.​ Get the full document...
CDP Playbook

CDP Playbook

The digital advertising industry faces critical challenges when it comes to customer identity and user privacy. Legislative changes, browser and device updates, and the exponential growth of data volumes have made it increasingly difficult and costly to achieve...
Are you a Winner in Google’s Third-Party Cookie War?

Are you a Winner in Google’s Third-Party Cookie War?

The fate of the third-party cookie has been a topic of concern, as it has already been blocked on certain browsers like Safari and Firefox. Initially scheduled for termination in the latter half of 2023, Google has now pushed back the execution date until at least...
3 Steps to Achieve Digital Marketing Transformation

3 Steps to Achieve Digital Marketing Transformation

By: Katie Hall, Digital Transformation Consultant Digital Marketing Transformation is a buzzword that dominates boardroom discussions and panel conversations, yet its precise definition remains elusive. Marketers must understand the key steps involved in achieving...
Why Every Brand Should Adopt a “Growth Marketing” Mindset

Why Every Brand Should Adopt a “Growth Marketing” Mindset

The idea of ‘growth hacking’ was popularised around 10 years ago as businesses like Amazon and Airbnb famously used an Agile and data-led approach to turbo-charge growth in all aspects of their business. Growth marketing is an offshoot of that same thinking, and...
4 Questions You Must Answer When Thinking About Agile Marketing

4 Questions You Must Answer When Thinking About Agile Marketing

The growing popularity of Agile Marketing in the past few years has resulted in a lot of marketers trying to “hack” growth. Brands have seen and heard their fellow Marketers increase their revenue, lead gen efficiency, customer satisfaction, and even employee...